April 16, 2014

Spectacular Salsa

A Spectacular Salsa

performed by Paddy & Nico

Reality Check

(Elizabeth Van Loan)

I feel young and full of pep,
Rushing hither and yon.
Enjoying every passing day
Seldom woebegone.
Until the daily news proclaims:
"Elderly Woman Hit by Car."
And I am halted in my tracks,
My pleasant world ajar.
Forced to face reality--
That 'elderly' woman is
younger than me!

Make the best of

every Moment




Welcome to a life without pain


March 27, 2014

They Said It Could Not Be Done

Bobby B | Press Release: They Said It Could Not Be Done

Who told you it couldn’t be done, and what great achievements has he performed that qualified him to set up limitations for you?

You will find as you go through life that those who give advice most
freely are precisely the individuals who are least qualified to do so.
Busy, successful people don’t have an interest in telling you how to
live your life. They are busy living their own. Failures or mediocre
people have all the time in the world. They also delight in seeing you
fail, and are quick to say “I told you so” when you experience a
temporary setback. If someone tells you that what you are attempting to
achieve is impossible or not worth the effort, take a close look at them
and what they have accomplished with their lives. The chances are good
that you will find they haven’t done much. Successful people are
optimistic people. They have the habit of success because they learned
long ago to listen to themselves and not to those who would like to see
them fail.

always involves risk. You must take a chance by investing your time,
money, and effort. It pays to be thoughtful and deliberate in your
analyses of opportunities, but don’t let timidity hold you back. Because
you have worked hard to develop those things you must risk, it is
natural for you to place a high value on them. But what good are they if
you do not put them to use? You will recognize opportunity only to the
extent that you are willing to consider risking your time, money, and
effort. Being confident gives you the courage to face risk and act when
opportunity arises. No one on earth is going to force success upon you;
you will find it only to the degree that you actively seek it out

settle for mediocrity. You have a duty to your family, your community ,
your country and your God to be all you can be. Don’t fall in the trap
of the comfort zone, because if you do, you will be held captive to
mediocrity. Be Childlike If in your childhood you weren’t fortunate
enough to be encouraged to be all you can be, then now it’s the time to
be childlike and re-discover the magic of a child.

Realign yourself with your hopes and dreams!

February 10, 2014

The Power of Redox Signaling Molecules

Morbus Crohn and Redox Signaling Molecules

How Glutathione, Superoxide Mutase (SOD) and Catalase influence your body's well-being on a cellular level.

By Dave Carpenter, N.D., C. Ac.

In my opinion, glutathione stands head-and-shoulders above all of the other antioxidants. I think of it as the body’s “master antioxidant!” Glutathione is fundamental to a wide range of metabolic and regulatory functions throughout the body. Glutathione is a tripeptide created in the body from the amino acids glutamine, cysteine and glycine.
It is not only the body’s most important antioxidant but it is known to be one of the best detoxifiers in the body. Most health experts know that healthy levels of glutathione strengthen the body against heavy metal toxins. Glutathione is used to treat lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium poisoning. 

In today’s world it is very easy to become depleted in glutathione. Exposure to sunlight, environmental toxins and pollutants, household chemicals, pharmaceutical drug use, recreational drug use, heavy metals, surgery, inflammation, burns, viral or bacterial infections, and intense physical exercise can all diminish the body’s glutathione reserves. And of course aging has an effect on these levels as well. 

From my research I’ve learned that a deficiency in glutathione has been linked to a number of diseases including anemia, neuropathy, HIV/AIDS, cirrhosis, hepatitis, COPD, asthma, Crohn’s Disease, gastritis, duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis, heart attack, coronary artery disease, stroke, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, cystic fibrosis, cancer, seizure disorders and autism. It protects the skin, the lens of the eyes and the retina from radiation from the sun and is the best detoxifier the body has in its arsenal.

In fact, autism researchers have found that 100% of the kids studied had “unusually low concentration of the antioxidant glutathione in their cells” while none of the normal kids showed this problem. Jill James, director of biochemical genetics at Arkansas Children’s Hospital, notes that “This pattern is consistent with an inability to detoxify poisons, especially heavy metals, such as mercury or lead. That’s because glutathione normally binds to heavy metals and the body then targets the molecular complex for elimination.”

December 06, 2013

How to Generate a Free Meme

Just check this out - how to use the pictures within your Blogpost for your benefit - This is the result of my first picture!